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Home Study Courses, Live Lessons and Sessions,
and Programs for the Elderly.
Composition and Lyric Writing
Home Study Materials
in CD, Cassette, Video, and Book
Soon in Book, CD, Cassette, and Video
Home Study Course! Children,
Youths, Young Adults and Adults who would like to learn to compose,
notate and record their own music can use this book, CD, cassette,
and video in the privacy of their own home. Through step by step
instructions, Michael teaches the basics of music composition and
lyric writing.
Note: It is strongly recommended that students/customer buy the
book and CD together, as they complement each other. The student
will want to be looking at their book as they are listening to the
recording or watching the video. Michael, as their teacher, leads
viewers/readers through the book via the recording and video - so
both the book and the recording/video are integral to the learing