1. Order on the Recordings Books and Prices page, following its instructions, utilizing the shopping cart.
you click to order any of the Books, CDs, or Videos on the Affordable Books, Recordings & Videos page of PlaySingNDream.com you will be taken automatically
to the Play Sing N Dream Order Form.
there, browse for the products you would like to purchase. For each item
you will have a choice of different formats for that product. Be sure
to enter the correct quantity and any other options for that product.
When you would like to add the item to your shopping cart press the icon.
you would like to view the contents of your shopping cart, just press
on "Click Here to Check Out" beneath the products on the page.
On this page you can change the quantities of the products you selected
or remove any products you wish.
2. Fill out your order form completely. Don't forget number of items, format desired, your phone and email.
Once you are ready to check out please go to your shopping
cart and review to make sure only the products you want are included.
Then press the Shipping and Handling button on the bottom of the page.
This will calculate the shipping and handling costs as determined in
our Terms and Conditions below. This will now show the total for your
complete order. Click the next button to check-out. Then you will need
to enter your personal information.
3. Print and mail your order form (using the print button in shopping cart) along with your check/money order.
Once you have completely filled out the form, click the print button to print out your order. Please be sure to include your email address on your order form. Then mail the order form along with your check/money order to:
4. Allow normal time for the mail, plus a few business days to process your order.
5. Upon receipt of your order form/payment in the mail, you'll receive an email explaining how to download
your order online.
orders will now be delivered through downloadable links which will
be provided to you through the email you use to make your purchase.
All Books are in PDF format and requires Adobe Acrobat to open and/or
print. You can get Adobe Acrobat for FREE by clicking here.
Once we receive your order you will receive an email
with a link to our download section. You will also receive a username
and password for access. Once inside you will see the links to the products
in your order. Please be sure to click these links and save the files
to your hard drive, after which you may either view, print, or burn to
6. Download your order according to the instructions in the email referred to in #5 above.
7. Enjoy! :) |